About Us

The Society for Anglo Chinese Understanding (SACU) was founded in 1965 to promote understanding and friendship between the British and Chinese people.

It is open to all who subscribe to these aims.

SACU’s mission is to promote understanding and advance the education of the UK public in all aspects of China and the Chinese people by:

  • providing facts and analysis about China – not uncritically but always from a firm base of friendship
  • helping the British people to understand the meaning of China – past and present
  • promoting friendship and mutual respect between the peoples of China and the UK

SACU aims to promote understanding:

  • to help the UK flourish in a world increasingly influenced by China
  • to help overcome misplaced suspicion and increase understanding of China within the UK
  • to help members progress their China-related interests and so to help SACU thrive

SACU's logo is the Chinese character for friendship 'you'. It is made up of two elements both representing hands and so forms an appropriate character to represent friendship through the joining of hands. The character is usually seen in conjunction with other characters giving the word an association of friendship. For example  peng you - 'friend' and  you ai - 'friendly affection'. The character 'ai' means 'love' or 'affection' and itself includes the friendship character.

SACU is a registered UK charity (294651)