China Eye
This is the society's widely-respected magazine giving an independent view of all aspects of China and has been published quarterly to our members for over forty years. We encourage members to use these electronic versions in order to save our printing/postage costs and the environment! Historic editions can be found on the SACU Archive, accessible only to SACU members!
SACU China Eye Issue 81 Spring 2024
SACU China Eye Issue 80 Winter 2023
SACU China Eye Issue 79 Autumn 2023
SACU China Eye Issue 78 Summer 2023
SACU China Eye Issue 77 Spring 2023
Articles are welcomed on any aspect of China, especially if it contributes to Anglo-Chinese Understanding. Please get in touch with us via and we can discuss further with you.
Note that we will start to publish individual articles via our Social Media channels as well as in China Eye, but we will ask your permission for doing this.